New Mexico Dangerous Drug Lawyer

Most New Mexico residents will need to count on the benefits of medication or prescription drugs at some point in their lives. They trust doctors to prescribe safe and effective drugs. They also trust the companies who manufacture and sell these necessary medications. Unfortunately, harm can be caused by these drugs due to medical malpractice. If you’ve suffered the adverse effects of a dangerous drug, it’s crucial that you talk with a New Mexico dangerous drug lawyer.

The unfortunate reality is that many drugs are recalled or altered to include serious consumer safety alerts. This is a clear and worrisome sign of neglect on the side of various pharmaceutical companies. Serious side effects can be suffered by victims who have no warning. When these injustices occur, victims have the right to seek compensation and the justice they deserve. However, they don’t have to do this alone.

New Mexico Dangerous Drug Lawyer

Dangerous Drugs and Their Role in New Mexico Medical Malpractice

In general terms, a dangerous drug is a prescription or over-the-counter medication designed to help individuals with certain health issues but actually causes serious side effects that can result in further devastating health conditions.

These cases can arise in various ways. One of the main ways is through deliberate action. This means that a doctor or pharmaceutical company has knowledge of the dangers of a specific drug and yet decides to continue prescribing or administering it no matter the potential harm it may cause.

A second way for dangerous drugs to wind up in the hands of New Mexico residents is via the negligence of another individual. A pharmacist may mix up drugs when readying them for a patient. An example of this might be switching out anxiety medication with chemotherapy drugs.

When events like this happen, being prescribed a dangerous drug or receiving an incorrect medication due to the negligence of another party can cause injury or disease and can even be fatal. If you or a loved one has suffered personal injury due to the medical malpractice of taking a dangerous drug, you may be able to seek monetary compensation, and a skilled attorney can help you do just that.

Why the Branch Law Firm Is the Right Choice for Your Claim

For more than 50 years, the attorneys at the Branch Law Firm have fought for their personal injury clients and held negligent parties accountable for their actions. The Branch Law Firm legal team is not afraid to go to trial and fight unceasingly to make sure your case, your concerns, and your rights are heard.

An attorney experienced in dangerous drug law can offer sound legal counsel and use their full knowledge of New Mexico medical malpractice laws to help guide you through the complexities that these cases often involve. They can also gather any necessary evidence while investigating the specifics of your case in hopes of negotiating a settlement or taking your case to trial.

Dealing with the aftermath of taking a dangerous drug can be overwhelming, scary, and anxiety-inducing, not to mention the stress of having to deal with any subsequent medical bills or lost wages due to any adverse side effects. Know then that you don’t have to navigate this alone. The team at the Branch Law Firm is here for you, ready to advocate for what you deserve.

Dangerous Drugs and How They Can Affect Your Health

Before every new drug hits the market, the FDA must give it approval. Before approval can be granted, however, the drug company must conduct strict clinical testing to make sure all the side effects, drug interactions, and any other serious issues are discovered. Typically, this ensures that the drug is safe and has the correct warnings attached to it for any possible side effects.

In cases where drug companies rush their drug to the market, sweeping away issues with the drug or failing to note certain side effects, this can result in ineffective medications, serious side effects, harmful interactions with other medications, and even wrongful death.

A few drugs known to be dangerous to consumers include:


Q: What Compensation Can I Seek in a Dangerous Drug Claim?

A: If you have suffered from dangerous drugs or prescription medications in New Mexico, you may be entitled to seek compensation in the form of economic damages, like the expenses for medical treatment and ongoing care, as well as compensation for lost wages. You may also pursue non-economic damages for physical pain and suffering or mental anguish.

Q: What Should I Do If I’ve Experienced Harmful Side Effects From a Medication?

A: If you believe your medication is causing harmful side effects, you should take action to safeguard your health and legal rights. If you decide to file a dangerous drug claim, you’ll want to remain proactive by hiring an attorney and collecting the necessary evidence, like medical records, that may pertain to your case.

Q: What Should I Do If I Suspect a Loved One’s Death Was Caused by a Dangerous Drug?

A: If you believe your loved one’s death was a direct result of a dangerous prescription drug, it is essential to contact a skilled and experienced dangerous drug lawyer. They have the knowledge necessary to assist you in filing a claim and seeking the compensation you and your family deserve in the wake of your loved one’s passing.

Q: Can I File a Claim Against My Doctor or Pharmacist for Prescribing or Dispensing a Dangerous Drug?

A: If you or someone you love has suffered the adverse effects of a dangerous drug that you were either prescribed by a doctor or dispensed by a pharmacist, you have the right to file a claim against them. It is vital that you report the party responsible for your claim, as it may help prevent the same thing from happening to other innocent people.

Contact a Trusted New Mexico Dangerous Drug Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one has suffered the adverse effects and complications of taking a dangerous drug, it’s time for you to receive the justice you deserve. The team at the Branch Law Firm is dedicated to providing you compassionate care and service. We know the physical and emotional harm that can come from taking a dangerous drug and are ready to help you seek justice.

Contact our offices today to schedule a free consultation and discuss your dangerous drug case with an attorney who cares.