Albuquerque Opioid Overdose Lawyer

Opioids are complex creations. Some were created to treat chronic pain and help people improve their quality of life. Others exist solely as street drugs that severely hurt the quality of life of their users. They are notoriously easy to overdose on and are responsible for many drug overdoses and deaths in the United States. If you or a loved one has suffered an opioid overdose, reach out to an Albuquerque opioid overdose lawyer today to see what your options are.

Albuquerque Opioid Overdose Lawyer

What Are Opioids?

Opioids are a specific class of medications designed to alleviate pain and improve one’s situation following surgery or some other medical diagnosis. They work by attaching themselves to a person’s internal opioid receptors and reducing the feeling of pain in the body. In addition to this effect, they also summon feelings of euphoria, calm, and numbness, which leads many people to develop an abusive dependency on them.

Long-term usage of opioids can lead to some catastrophic side effects, such as:

Different Types of Opioids

Not every street drug is an opioid, but many of them are. If you are currently taking or have taken any dangerous drugs, prescription or otherwise, reach out to a dangerous drug attorney to find out if you qualify for compensatory damages. It is important to recognize the names and effects of certain opioids should you ever come into contact with them:


Q: What Is the Overdose Rate in New Mexico?

A: According to the New Mexico Legislature, since 2021, there have been roughly three drug overdoses per day in the entire state. In 2021, over 570 New Mexicans died from an overdose of Fentanyl alone. Nearly 500 New Mexicans died from an overdose of just methamphetamine. The New Mexican government has made significant efforts to invest in treatment programs and develop new strategies to combat the ever-growing opioid problem that is happening in the state.

Q: Is There a Drug Problem in New Mexico?

A: Yes, New Mexico, regrettably, has a drug problem. In a recent study by WalletHub, New Mexico was voted the state with the highest drug dependency problems. The study compared numerous factors, including overdose rates and drug-testing laws. New Mexico ranked extremely high in teenage drug users, drugs in schools, and adults with untreated dependency issues. The state government is aware of the ongoing drug problem facing their state and is working to develop solutions.

Q: Does New Mexico Have a Good Samaritan Law for Narcan?

A: Yes, New Mexico has a Good Samaritan law in place for Narcan. Narcan is a drug that can treat immediate drug overdose in an emergency situation. If someone you are with overdoses on an opioid, you can administer Narcan with no legal repercussions to yourself as long as you call 911. The Good Samaritan law counts even if you share drugs with the person, you are on parole or probation, or if you possess drug paraphernalia.

Q: Who Is Liable for Drug Overdose?

A: Finding liability for drug overdose in Albuquerque can be a difficult situation. It is natural to want to blame somebody for a loved one’s misfortune. In some cases, drug dealers who sold the overdosed person the drugs can be found liable for murder or attempted murder. It all depends on the case at hand, as every situation is different and carries with it specific circumstances. When someone overdoses on a drug, it is possible to hold many different people liable in civil court.

Contact an Albuquerque Opioid Overdose Lawyer Today

It is no secret that there is an epidemic of opioid abuse running rampant throughout the country, especially in New Mexico. People are dying thanks to a dependency on powerful, dangerous substances that have the capacity to ruin their lives and the lives of their loved ones. However, that does not have to be the case. The Branch Law Firm can help you build a case against the parties who may be liable for your opioid addiction, even if you intend to hold a big pharmaceutical company liable.

We can provide you with solid legal counsel, multiple avenues for your pursuance, and consistent advice throughout this entire process. Contact us to schedule a consultation as soon as possible.