Albuquerque Assisted Living Abuse Lawyer

If you believe your loved one has or is experiencing abuse in their assisted living facility, an Albuquerque assisted living abuse lawyer may be the necessary resource you need. Assisted living facilities are the places we trust with our most vulnerable family members to help them maintain a high quality of life. Unfortunately, not all facilities protect our families the way we hope.

It can be difficult to prove abuse and hold the living facility accountable, which is why it takes an experienced lawyer to help you get the justice your loved one deserves. The team at the Branch Law Firm can help you not only hold assisted living facilities accountable but also ensure that you and your loved one receive the compensation you may be entitled to.

albuquerque assisted living abuse lawyer

Common Types of Abuse in Assisted Living

There are several types of abuse elders could face in assisted living facilities. Some of the most reported forms of abuse include:

To guard against this, staff members need to report any suspicious activity, and regular visits from family members may be necessary.

Each of these abuses is egregious on its own but may not be done in isolation. They also do not reflect all the types of abuse an elderly family member could suffer. If you suspect elder abuse is occurring, speak with one of our attorneys, who can help hold negligent facilities responsible.


What Type of Abuse Is Most Common in Nursing Homes?

One of the most common types of abuse in nursing homes is emotional abuse. This can come in many different forms. One form is insulted. Any insults hurled at a resident’s intelligence, appearance, or living situation could be abusive. Other examples of emotional abuse could include controlling their activities against their will, isolating them from their friends, family, or other residents, or making threats against them.

What Are the Signs of Abuse in a Nursing Home?

One of the most obvious signs of abuse in a nursing home would be unexplained injuries. These could be marks, scars, or broken bones. If you notice your loved one fails to take their medications properly or their caregiver doesn’t let you be alone with your loved one, that could also be a sign of abuse. Other signs include an unusual change in behavior. If you believe your loved one is suffering from abuse, you should engage the help of an experienced attorney.

What Challenges Are There When Attempting to Address Allegations of Abuse in Nursing Homes?

There are several challenges you can expect when attempting to address allegations of abuse in nursing homes. Staff members may attempt to cover up the abuse or lie about it. This can make proving abuse is occurring more difficult to do. When staff attempt to cover up the abuse, they could mask their behaviors in medical procedures that may sound appropriate. With the help of an attorney, you can thoroughly investigate conditions that may be more abusive than they appear.

How Common Is Abuse in Nursing Homes?

According to one study, elder abuse has been documented in nearly one-third of all facilities. Many signs of abuse go unreported, so it’s difficult to completely grasp the full extent of abuse seniors experience. Whether it is physical abuse, emotional abuse, or financial abuse, assisted living facilities need to be held accountable for their actions. Speak with an experienced abuse lawyer for help creating a case for your loved one.

Why Is Assisted Living Abuse Underreported?

Underreporting of elder abuse in assisted living facilities could be the result of many different factors. This vulnerable population is easily susceptible to tricks and tactics from those seeking to cover it up. With diminished cognitive abilities, the installation of fear, and isolation from others, our elderly family members may find it difficult to speak up about their experiences. Checking in regularly with your loved one and creating a safe space to share can help reveal harmful actions against them.

Albuquerque Assisted Living Abuse Lawyer

Elder abuse is a serious issue that should not be overlooked. Countless residents undergo unfair abuse, and they deserve to have legal help on their side. Remaining aware of how your loved one is communicating, how their habits have changed, and how their mental state is can help to identify potential abuse. If you suspect anything concerning, it may be wise to speak with an attorney.

At the Branch Law Firm, our legal team can help those who experience abuse in assisted living. Assisted living abuse can range from minor incidents to major accidents that have the potential for serious harm and death. One of the greatest decisions you can make to help your loved one is to work with our legal team. Contact us today to speak with a member of our team and get the support you and your loved ones deserve.